Two small but lively congregations – rural in flavor – who would welcome you to worship with them, or to join one of the congregations.
Kirkebo Lutheran Church is located in the town of Perley, Mn, approximately 20 miles north of Moorhead on Highway 75. Turn left into Perley on the main road into town {south of the Cenex station}, and follow the street until it ends. The Church is located to your left.
Nora Lutheran Church is located approximately 19 miles north of Fargo on highway 29 or 81, and 5 1/2 miles east of Gardner, ND, on county road 26 (just north of Gardner). The church is located on the right side of the road.
You can travel the 4 1/2 miles from one church to the other. From Kirkebo to Nora, take county road 6, just north of Perley, to the west – over the bridge into North Dakota. Turn left when the pavement does at the stop sign, and turn right at the next stop sign, when the pavement turns west. Nora will be on your left.